Friday, September 12, 2008

Calvinia (B13)


Google count:

Historic fact:

Other interesting info:
Founded in 1851 on the Oorlogskloof River and named after religious reformer John Calvin, Calvinia lies at the foot of the Hantam Mountains. Hantam being a Khoi word meaning "where the red bulbs grow". Calvinia is the region’s key growth point and one of the country’s largest wool-producing areas.

The museum is housed in the art deco Old Synagogue built in 1920 and exhibits portray the lives of the early European settlers. A cedarwood horsemill and a display of mounted Cape fat-tailed, Merino and Dorper sheep relate the history of the area.

The Hantam House is built in Cape Dutch style with a concave-convex gable. Retaining its original cedarwood woodwork, traditional delicacies are served in an exclusive coffee house built in the original kraal.

There are various 4x4 routes, some steeped in Anglo-Boer War history, along the escarpment with picturesque views and bushman paintings along the riverbed with huge Namaqua fig trees clinging to the rock surfaces.

These are a must during spring when thick carpets of Namaqualand flowers adorn the countryside.


vervalle monumentjie net buite Calvinia. Het n tyd daar deurgebring en kon nie help om te wonder oor die ironie
van die inskripsie en waar ons vandag staan. Ek gaan fotos probeer pos.
Hier is dan die inskripsie :-

Die laaste wapenneerlegging van die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog 1899 - 1902 het in hierdie omgewing langs
die Oorlogskloofrivier plaasgevind.
Sedertien het die gewere geswyg maar met die pen is daar verder vir ons republiek geveg.
Hierdie gedenkteken is op Saterdag 30 - 3 - 68 deur sy edele ADV.B.J. Vorster eerste minister van
die republiek van Suid Afrika onthul.

Dit is net so n staal man met n pen in sy hand omhoog in sy regterhand en n geweer onderstebo in sy linker met die
geweerloop in die grond so of dit neergesit word op so n klipstapel met n houtgeweer in glaskas bo op die brons plaat.

Where to stay:

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