Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cradock (E14)

Name: Cradock

Google count:

Historic fact:

Cradock was found by Sir John Cradock after the Frontier War of 1812 as a stronghold to secure the Eastern area of the then Cape Province. It lies in a broad part of the upper Fish River valley. The rich soil, plentiful water and warm climate make it an ideal lucerne, fruit and dairy farming area. When necessary supplementary water is fed to the area from the Orange River via a tunnel, 82 kms long - making it one of the longest irrigation tunnels in the world!

From: www.wheretostay.co.za/ec/cs/accommodation/cradock.php
Other interesting info:

It was a schoolteacher called Matthew Goniwe who captured the imagination of an oppressed black population in the 1980s, when he pioneered the struggle against Apartheid upon his return from a four-year prison sentence under the old Suppression of Communism Act. He set up the Cradock Residents’ Association (Cradora) and took on the contentious issues of rent increases, which led to consumer boycotts of white businesses in the town.
On June 28, 1985, Matthew Goniwe and his comrades Fort Calata, Sparrow Mkhonto and Sicelo Mhlawuli were murdered by Special Branch members on their way to Port Elizabeth. They came to be known as the Cradock Four.

Where to stay:

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